Thursday, September 13, 2007

Shirren asked the question in facebook under 'My Question' but I couldn't type my anwer in that little space. So...

What does 'going with the flow mean and where does it 'flow' to?


As always there are always to sides of a coin. It depends on the person - how they see the 'flow'.

Definition 1:
A person can identify 'flow' as decision-making, something that can be managed. This person will be able to see the 'choices' and if brave, able and willing to make the 'choice' then will be able and accept where it'll 'flow' to (result). Whether it is a success or failure, what is important is the courage to make the 'choice' and trust ownself (gut feel) and any external forces (friends, family, God etc.) that may influence the result.Summary: You are the 'flow'. When you're 'going with the flow' means you're managing and deciding your life.

Definition 2:
A person who identifies the 'flow' as something unmanageable or as some great external force that is beyond control. Obviously, 'things' will just 'happen' to this person. This person doesn't see any 'choice' but thinks he/she is unwillingly subjected to 'things.' Where the 'flow' goes to? No idea.

'Going with the flow' is just being knocked around by other people's 'flow' or God's 'flow'. Where the 'flow' goes to? Sometimes good, sometimes bad - que sera sera.Alas, we're all human with so many interests and influences. We're curious. I think we all bounce from definition 1 & 2 depending on circumstance.